Types of Dental Crowns That Look Natural

If you are looking for natural-looking and durable dental crowns, we can give you what you need. Our dentistry offers several different types of dental crowns that provide varied levels of durability and aesthetic value. If you want a dental improvement that offers you beauty and long-lasting protection, visit us to learn more. In the meantime, we have provided a list of some of our most commonly chosen materials for our durable dental crowns.


Porcelain Fused to Zirconia or Full Porcelain Crowns

Porcelain and zirconium-type materials create dental crowns that are not only beautiful but are also incredibly realistic-looking, strong, and durable. We use this option most often because so many patients are looking for a protective dental crown that also provides a natural-looking appearance.

Zirconia comes from the metal zirconium and is a great option for strengthening porcelain during the bonding process. With zirconia under it, porcelain is less like to break and more likely to remain durable. Since we can customize zirconia to match the porcelain shade one chooses, the patient will not have to worry about unsightly metal-colored bleeding occurring on gums and nearby teeth as with traditional metal bases or metal alloy crowns.

Full porcelain dental crowns are still often the best option. Many people feel full porcelain offers the most lifelike appearance. Since porcelain is slightly more breakable than other options, it is best to use it on teeth that do not see intense traffic. Porcelain is harder than natural tooth enamel, so it can cause damage to nearby teeth if the patient has teeth grinding habits. It is also slightly brittle, so if the crown is too thin, it can chip. For most patients, porcelain crowns still work wonders and last for years.

Gold Crowns

Gold alloy crowns were more commonly used a few decades ago, but they are still a great option to consider. Gold is arguably the most durable option for dental crowns no matter how thin the crown is; however, it is also expensive. Many people want a restoration that matches their other teeth and blends in for an aesthetically pleasing finish. Gold crowns also easily conduct heat and cold, so they may cause sensitivities to the teeth they are on or near.

Regardless of the drawbacks, gold crowns are one of the longest lasting restorations available. Porcelain fused to gold is another option we offer as well. We can talk about the advantages and disadvantages of that option when you visit our Beverly Hills dental office.

Composite Crowns

Composite crowns do not offer the best level of durability, but they are natural-looking. Composite crowns are a good option for anyone who has metal sensitivities or who does not prefer porcelain. Composite crowns are affordable, but they may need replacement within a few years due to the lack of durability.

These are only a few of the dental crowns choices we will discuss with you when you visit to learn more about improving your dental structure. Make an appointment to visit for dental crowns soon to get the best protection against decay and damage for your vulnerable teeth.

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